Old Testament Basics 5

Introductions of the 12 Minor Prophetical Books of the Old Testament-

Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi


Author- Hosea

Recipients- Northern kingdom of Israel

Dated- Around 722 B.C. after fall of Samaria, the capital of Israel

Theme- God’s covenant love for Israel. Israel’s condemnation followed by God’s forgiveness.

Content- Accounts of Hosea, Gomer and their children, Faithless Israel, Faithful God, Israel’s punishment and restoration.


Author- Joel

Recipients- The people of Judah

Dated- 9th century B.C.

Theme- Judgment and repentance will be followed by restoration and blessings for the people of Judah.

Content- Locust invasion, Call to Judah to fast and repent, Judah assured salvation in the day of the Lord.


Author- Amos

Recipients- The northern kingdom of Israel

Dated- 8th century B.C.

Theme- Judgment of Judah, Israel and several nations.

Content- Judgment of Israel for oppression of poor and religious perversions, Exile pronounced, The visions of Amos.


Author- Obadiah

Recipients- People of Judah

Dated- 9th century B.C.

Theme- Judgment of Edom

Content- Edom’s destruction because of pride, The day of the Lord, Judgment of nations, Deliverance for God’s people.


Author- Unknown historian

Recipients- Northern kingdom of Israel

Dated- 8th century B.C.

Theme- A prophet’s reluctant response to God’s ministry call.

Content- Jonah’s disobedience to God’s call and obedience after punishment, Ninevites repentance to God’s message through Jonah.


Author- Micah

Recipients- Israel and Judah

Dated- 8th century B.C.

Theme- Divine judgment and deliverance.

Content- Oppressive land grabbers, wealthy wicked and false prophets condemned, 3 cycles of judgment and restoration of God’s people.


Author- Nahum

Recipients- People of Judah

Dated- 7th century B.C.

Theme- Judgment of Nineveh

Content- God’s kindness and strictness, Judgment of Nineveh for cruelty, idolatry and wickedness.


Author- Habakkuk

Recipients- People of Judah

Dated- 7th century B.C.

Theme- Dilemma of God’s dealing with his people.

Content- Habakkuk fails to understand why God allows Judah to be oppressed by a more wicked nation, Babylon.


Author- Zephaniah

Recipients- People of Judah

Dated- 7th century B.C.

Theme- Day of the Lord and judgment of nations including Judah.

Content- Judgment of Judah and several nations on the day of the Lord, A remnant of Judah redeemed and restored.


Author- Haggai

Recipients- Postexilic Jews living in Judah

Dated- 6th century B.C.

Theme- Call to rebuild God’s temple.

Content- Poverty of people because of ignoring God’s temple, God’s call to rebuild temple through Haggai, Zerubbabel and people commit themselves to rebuilding God’s temple.


Author- Zechariah

Recipients- Postexilic Jews living in Judah

Dated- 6th century B.C.

Theme- Zechariah encourages people to complete the rebuilding of God’s temple.

Content- 8 visions of Zechariah in one night, Joshua the high priest honored, Messianic future and restoration of God’s kingdom.


Author- Malachi

Recipients- Postexilic Jews living in Judah

Dated- 5th century B.C.

Theme- Messiah returns not only to judge but also to restore his people.

Content- God’s rebuke for unfaithfulness of priests and people, The coming of the Lord, Exhortation to faithful giving.


The Minor Prophetical Books are found in the Bible as the last 12 books of the Old Testament.

The books from Hosea to Malachi are the Minor Prophetical Books.

They are called Minor Prophets, not because they are of less importance than the Major Prophets Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Daniel, but because their books are smaller compared to the Major Prophetical Books.

The Minor Prophets prophesied from the 9th to the 5th centuries B.C.

The Minor Prophets who prophesied in the 9th century B.C. were Obadiah & Joel.

The Minor Prophets who prophesied in the 8th century B.C. were Jonah, Amos, Hosea & Micah. Isaiah, one of the Major Prophets also prophesied during this period.

The Minor Prophets who prophesied in the 7th century B.C. were Zephaniah, Nahum & Habakkuk. Jeremiah, one of the Major Prophets also prophesied during this period.

The Minor Prophets who prophesied in the 6th B.C. were Haggai & Zechariah. Ezekiel and Daniel, two major prophets also prophesied during this period.

The Minor Prophet who prophesied in the 5th B.C. was Malachi.


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