Old Testament Basics – 2
Introductions of the 12 History Books of the Old Testament-
Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1st & 2nd Samuel, 1st & 2nd Kings, 1st & 2nd Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther
Author- Unknown historian/Joshua (partly)
Recipients- The Israelites
Dated- Around 1375 B.C.
Place of writing- Canaan
Theme- Joshua & the Israelites entering, conquering and occupying Canaan
Content- God encourages Joshua to lead, Crossing the Jordan, Conquest of Jericho, Failure at Ai, Battles and victories, Division and distribution of the land, Joshua’s farewell message, commitment to the Covenant.
Author- Unknown historian/ Samuel (partly)
Recipients- The Israelites
Dated- Around 1000 B.C.
Place of writing- Canaan
Theme- Repeated cycles of the Israelites rebellion to God, punishment, repentance & deliverance through Judges.
Judges led the Israelites for a period of around 300-350 years.
Judges- Othniel, Ehud, Shamgar, Deborah, Gideon, Abimelech, Tola, Jair, Jephthah, Ibzan, Elon, Abdon, Samson, Eli, Samuel
Content- Incomplete conquest of Canaan, Accounts of rebellion of the Israelites, punishment, repentance & deliverance through Judges.
Author- Unknown historian
Recipients- The Israelites
Dated- Around 1000 B.C.
Place of writing- Canaan
Theme- A Moabite woman Ruth’s goodness rewarded by God
Content- Tragedies of Elimelek’s family, Accounts of Naomi, Ruth & Boaz
1st Samuel
Author- Unknown Historian/Partly Samuel/Abiathar
Recipients- The Israelites
Dated- Around 930 B.C.
Place of writing- Canaan
Theme- Israel is led by kings after they were led by judges.
Content- Samuel leads Israel as Prophet and Judge, Monarchy in Israel- Accounts of Saul & David.
Saul ruler from 1050 B.C. to 1010 B.C. David ruler from 1010 B.C. to 970 B.C.
2nd Samuel
Author- Unknown historian/ Abiathar
Recipients- The Israelites
Dated- Around 930 B.C.
Place of writing- Canaan
Theme- David’s 40 year reign
Content- David’s triumphs and tragedies, Absalom’s revolt
1st Kings
Author- Unknown historian
Recipients- The Israelites
Dated- Around 550 B.C.
Place of writing- Babylon exile
Theme- United monarchy under Solomon, Divided monarchy after Solomon’s death.
Content- Solomon’s era, Temple and Palace constructions, Rehoboam’s reign, Several kings of Israel and Judah, Account of Elijah.
2nd Kings
Author- Unknown historian
Recipients- The Israelites
Dated- Around 550 B.C.
Place of writing- Babylon exile
Theme- Divided Monarchy, Collapse of the kingdoms despite prophetic guidance by Elijah and Elisha
Content- Destruction and deportation of Israel by Assyrians, destruction and captivity of Judah by Babylonians, Ministries of Elijah and Elijah
1st Chronicles
Author- Unknown historian/Ezra
Recipients- People of Judah who had returned after 70 years exile in Babylon
Dated- Around 450 to 400 B.C.
Place of writing- Jerusalem
Theme- Genealogies from Adam to Saul & King David’s reign
Content- Genealogies, Death of Saul, Reign of David, Preparations to build the temple, Death of David, Solomon becomes king.
2nd Chronicles
Author- Unknown historian/Ezra
Recipients- People of Judah who had returned after 70 years exile in Babylon
Dated- Around 450 to 400 B.C.
Place of writing- Jerusalem
Theme- Solomon’s reign (970 B.C.) to Babylonian exile (586 B.C.)
Content- Solomon builds temple and dedicates it, Solomon’s wisdom, History of the kings of Judah, Babylonian exile and King Cyrus’ proclamation to build the temple in Jerusalem.
Author- Unknown historian/Ezra
Recipients- People of Judah who had returned after 70 years exile in Babylon
Dated- Around 440 B.C.
Place of writing- Jerusalem
Theme- Rebuilding of the temple at Jerusalem by exiles who returned from Babylon
Content- Returning exiles, Rebuilding of the temple, Opposition to the rebuilding, Completion of the temple, Ezra’s return to Jerusalem, Ezra’s reforms.
Author- Unknown historian/Ezra
Recipients- People of Judah who had returned after 70 years exile in Babylon
Dated- Around 430 B.C.
Place of writing- Jerusalem
Theme- Rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem by Nehemiah
Content- Nehemiah the cup bearer decides to build the walls of Jerusalem, Opposition to the rebuilding of the wall, Ezra’s preaching and revival, Dedication of the wall, Nehemiah’s reforms.
Author- Unknown historian
Recipients- The Jews
Dated- Around 460 B.C.
Theme- Haman’s plan to annihilate Jews thwarted by Esther & Mordecai
Content- Accounts of Mordecai, Esther & Haman, Pur, Purim