Study/Download Bible Basics Chapter 9

Old Testament Basics – 1

Introductions of the First 5 Books of the Bible (Old Testament)- Pentateuch/Books of the Law/Torah/Books of Moses-

Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy


Author- Moses

Recipients- The Israelites

Dated- Around 1400 B.C.

Place of writing- Wilderness

Themes- Beginnings, Creation, God’s dealings with mankind from Adam to Joseph

Content- Creation, Adam & Eve’s fall, Flood during Noah’s time, Dispersion at the Tower of Babel, Lives of 4 great people- Abraham, Isaac, Jacob & Joseph.

Events in Genesis took place between around 4000 BC and 1804 BC. God in Genesis- Creator & Covenant maker.


Author- Moses

Recipients- The Israelites

Dated- Around 1400 B.C.

Place- Wilderness

Themes- Redemption, Deliverance of the Israelites from Egyptian bondage, Covenant

Content- God’s deliverance of the Israelites from Egyptian slavery through Moses & Aaron, Passover, Judgment on Pharaoh and Egyptians, Journey to Sinai, Covenant at Sinai, Building and dedication of the Tabernacle.

Exodus took place around 1440 B.C. The Israelites journeyed in the wilderness for 2 months and were at Mount Sinai for 10 months.


Author- Moses

Recipients- The Israelites

Dated- Around 1400 B.C.

Place of writing- Wilderness

Themes- Holiness, Laws regarding how to worship and serve God Almighty

Content- 5 main offerings, Ordination of Aaron and his sons as priests and their ministry, Distinction between clean and unclean, Day of Atonement, Holy living, Annual festivals. The laws of sacrifice and the laws of sanctification were given in a 1 month period at Mount Sinai.


Author- Moses

Recipients- The Israelites

Dated- Around 1400 B.C.

Place of writing- Wilderness

Themes- Census, Wanderings of the Israelites in the wilderness of Sinai for 38 years.

Events took place between around 1440 B.C. to around 1400 B.C.

Content- First Census, Camping around tabernacle, Law of jealousy, Nazirite vow, Cloud and fire, Journey from Sinai to Kadesh, Rebellion at Kadesh, Journey from Kadesh to Moab, Balak and Balaam, Second Census, Instructions for the New Generation, Settlement of the Transjordan tribes.


Author- Moses+ Joshua (Chapter 34)

Recipients- The Israelites

Dated- Around 1400 B.C.

Place of writing- Wilderness

Themes- Renewal of the covenant, 3 farewell messages of Moses

Content- Remembering the past dealings of God from Horeb onwards, God’s demand for obedience to him, Curses and blessings, Change of leadership, Death of Moses.